Welcome to Lovely Skin Pack a pack of textures of love and hate where you can reject someone or fall in
love with the favorite person whom you look out of the window xd

-Lovely Skin Pack-😍 v1

-Lovely Skin Pack-

How many skins are there?
We all know that Valentine’s Day has passed but when you use this skin pack that day never ends, this
skin pack includes many skins, 4 of hate and 4 of love, and they also shine? if they can also shine using a
texture pack created by DarkGato MC
inspired, on valentine’s day [it’s obvious xd] and on the love of your life
and if you got to this point it is because you wanted to see the skins, don’t worry, the skins will be shownhere next
Images of the skins, please do not be sad if you see a purple skin ;-;

and ready as I showed you the skins now it’s time to say …..
Happy Valentine’s Day [overdue] I hope and enjoy this skin pack as much as the love of your life, I hope and

you are looking for love with this skin pack, I send you my regards and thank you for downloading and watching

it, shh join TwitchTube Community 🙂

✨-Social Networks-✨

Twitter | @Y4H1RX_Rps_MC and @TheGhostStudio

Youtube | Y4H1RX RPS and FrostGames09

Discord | Y4H1RX RPS#1356 and JCO2003#6716

Skins can be selected, no longer appear as locked skins

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