

The Antidropper is similar to the ordinary dropper in that sense that you need obstacles in order to complete a level. However, there’s one major difference. Instead of falling down, you’ll levitate up towards the sky! It can be a quite infuriating feeling to fail, but that’s also what makes it a fun and challenging minigame.

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Correcion de errores

Ahora si juegas con mas personas, el efecto ya no saldra duplicado.

Se eliminaron las plataformas para terminar el nivel, ahora se te teletransportara directamente cuando llegues finalices los obstaculos.

Los nieveles cuentan con mas dificultad.


Ahora puedes seleccionar el idiomas (ES,EN)

Cambio en los tp´s a los sub lobbys

Bug fixes

Now if you play with more people, the effect will no longer be duplicated.

The platforms to finish the level were eliminated, now you will be teleported directly when you arrive after completing the obstacles.

The snows have more difficulty.


Now you can select the language (ES,EN)

Change in the tp's to the sub lobbies

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